Tag Archives: sedona doe mountain mbt

Salomon, mon!


My feet were in bad shape after Doe Mountain so I headed over to  a place called The Hike House in search of alternate hiking shoes.  I can tell instantly whether a shoe is going to work for me.  It has to be very padded, especially around the metatarsal area.  I tried on several pairs and settled on Salomon XT Wings 2.

It’s like walking on a mattress and my sore feet felt like they were getting a massage.  So, my plan is to hike in MBTs and spend the rest of the day in these groovy  shoes.  They don’t have regular shoe laces but instead “cable” shoe  laces that you pull tight then choke off with a little plastic contraption.

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Filed under AZ, hiking footwear, Sedona, WorldsBestWalks

Doe Mountain Trail, Sedona, AZ


Hike up Doe Mountain and get a glimpse of this!

First hike of the trip was Doe Mountain, a moderate and fairly steep walk that I was told is seven-tenths of a mile.  Maybe. Took about half an hour one way. The trail is clearly marked but it is uphill so be prepared for a climb. But if I could do it, most anybody can. I did this hike wearing MBTs because of some foot pain I’m having. Yes, I know that’s risky but it really helped. The tricky thing is the hike back down because it is very uneven. Yes, I tripped and fell. I knew that I would.  Caught between a rock and a hard place. Ouch. All is well.

You know it’s a great walk when all the aches and pains melt away and it is exhilirating to take deep breaths in the great outdoors under turquoise skies.

Doe Mountain is off Boynton Pass which is off Dry Creek Road. There are some breathtaking views, especially as you go higher. Take a look at the video below. I have no idea what it came out so blurry. Important thing is to note how clearly the trails are marked here. You get a sense of that at the end.

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